The Autonomy Institute is establishing an "All-Up" Autonomy program within the United States. We are recruiting key leadership within government, industry, academia, and finance to collaborate and drive Intelligent & Autonomous Infrastructure and Systems.

Autonomy requires Unified and Open Infrastructure - 5G, Edge Computing, APNT, ITS, Sensors, Resilient Grids. PINNs, Corridors, ASOCCs, and Petabytes of testing data to drive decisions.

If you would like to join please reach out:

Autonomy Requires Digital Infrastructure. Investment in a 21st-century Intelligent & Autonomous Infrastructure is among the highest priorities for stimulating economic expansion, national security, and job growth. Edge computing, 5G wireless, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Resilient APNT, and resilient electrical grids will drive the largest infrastructure buildout in our nation's history.

We are accelerating the "Path to Commerce" for connected and autonomous systems. We are moving quickly on establishing a number of Autonomous Infrastructure GRIDS and Autonomous Mobility Corridors.

Progress is dependant on petabytes of data being captured by tens of thousands of mission profiles. We need the digital infrastructure deployed to support accelerated capture of the critical data required to ensure safe, resilient, and scaled autonomous systems.

If we look at any of the other major transformations we have experienced in the past by the DOT, FAA, NASA, DOD, and even the Internet - they were driven by infrastructure and data.

Time for us to accelerate our OODA Loop. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.